Office water coolers have been around for as long as modern offices have existed. Large companies offer different beverages, but water is always a constant. You need a water delivery service to keep the taps running for your staff. You should look into these five suggestions if you want a steady water supply at the office.
Last Updated September 2024
Culligan Water
Crystal Springs
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Culligan is a water treatment company. They help people ingest fresh and clean water at all times. They have delivery services for offices. You can customize their delivery solutions depending on how your office hydrates. They have been offering such services for 85 years. Culligan is a one-stop shop for all your water needs. Some of their services include water tests and treatment.
You will get 50% off your first delivery from Sparkletts. Evaluate the water usage around the office first before you start paying for delivery. Sparkletts works with what you need. They are among the most well-known and established water companies in the Southwest. They also deliver hot chocolate, coffee, and tea for the break room if you want.
Nestle offers various water products under their company ReadyFresh. You can pick the amount of water and the brand you want them to deliver at the office. Their services are quick; it’s easy to make them a long-term supplier. Remember, every water brand has a different price. Nestle was launched in 1998 to help people drink safe water.
Waterlogic is an established global brand. Millions across the globe enjoy their water. Their specialty is bottle-less water coolers. According to them, it can save you money compared to traditional bottled water. They offer their water products to homes and businesses. Your break room can benefit from having better-testing pure water every time.
Crystal Springs is great for a small office. Their products are high quality but affordable, and you can rent their dispenser for as long as you need. They stock your break room with other supplies, including coffee. If you add other things aside from water, the price may increase.
Culligan Water
Crystal Springs
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