Last Updated March 2025
EverlyWell is one of the most established testing services online. They have testing kits for HIV, s...
For individuals prioritizing comprehensive and discreet STD testing, STD Check offers a reliable sol...
Sexual health is important; that is why the testing service offers various checks. You can test the...
Priority STD doesn't allow at-home testing, but you can order the testing kit online. If you want to...
For those prioritizing privacy and convenience in STD testing, Personalabs offers a comprehensive so...
The kit you buy will come with a prepaid return envelope for the samples. You will also have a sampl...
Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are more common than you think. From the World Health Organization data, more than one million people get infected every day. Testing is the only way to know if you have acquired an STD. Most of them can easily be treated when you notice the symptoms early and take a taste. Without treatment, they can be fatal. That is why there are so many testing services available today. You don't have to make an appointment because most of them have at-home testing kits. Here are nine of the best testing services.